An Authentic Conservative Leader
Mark Dorazio has lived a principled life of service dedicated to God, family, community, and conservative values. He understands the opportunities and blessings of this country and is dedicated to ensuring that the American Dream is kept alive for future generations to come. When elected to represent HD 122, he will truly be a strong conservative representative of the people and will never stop advocating for Texans’ liberties and rights.
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Rep. Mark Dorazio Formally Announces Re-Election Bid
Rep. Mark Dorazio Formally Announces Re-Election Bid
Promises Made; Promises Kept to the People of HD 122
San Antonio, TX – Today, Rep. Mark Dorazio formally announced that he will once again seek to…

Mark Dorazio Announces Candidacy for Texas House District 122
Small businessman, former Bexar County GOP Chairman, 2020 RPT Platform Chairman, and Current SREC SD 25 Committeeman Enters Republican Field as the Clear Conservative Choice
SAN ANTONIO – Lifelong conservative, entrepreneur, family man…
Contact the Campaign
Mark is a grassroots conservative at his core and when elected will represent the people, not special interests. He wants to hear from you and we’ll do our best to respond within 24 hours.